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I'm loving this story! Do you plan on doing anything with Kerub?~~


there will be some more of Papa Kerub! 

(Also, there's fan service on patreon!) 🥰🔥🐻

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I love the game question though is xiao gay??


Wow this might be a turrrrrbo mayor spoiler


















Canonically no, but fan service art can go far uwu I have many lewd unholy illustrations of him on Patreon hehe

nooooou T^T  lol

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*******      S P O I L E R   A L E R T !      *******

I had to reread the last chapter to refresh things, and boy, Quetzali made me cry again 😑

Poor Damian, he's such a good boy, he doesn't deserve that, but neither Angel... I hope they eventually reach some kind of... settlement that satisfy all of the parts involved 😅

I laughed for several minutes at that underwear frenzy 🤣🤣🤣

BTW, Tito is hot as fuck!

This is turning better and better by the time! Can't wait to see what's next! 😁






Ari the new update is so romantic and its soo gooddd🤤💦 and about damian he is so gentleman towards mar and i love itt ✨ can't wait for what coming next update i really love your art and vn ari❤️

Thankssss in always down for hearing you guy's opinion 🥰🥰🥰

Your welcome ari, your the bestt!? 🔥❤️


OMG! so many encountered feelings in this chapter because after Angel, Damian is my second favorite character in this VN. Tbh, I didn't quite like the cheating part in this chapter, but I really loved how Damian lets his feelings/emotions open towards MC. He doesn't deserve to suffer I hope.

Por cierto,  me encantó lo sexy y bonito que se ve Xiao en traje. Que gran adición!!

Omg the "little puta"??What does that mean? I kinda know its like a swear word like something hahaha


Yup it means "sex worker woman " xd

XD never expected the meaning of it haha

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OMG this chapter is worth the wait! , I love the CGs so much 🤤😖😍 I'm super excited to the upcoming updates UwU < 3


Im so confused about the chapters. did I missed an update? because there's two chapters that is new to me. I just finished reading chapter 26  But it shows that chapter 27 is new chapter but i can't open it 😭   I dont know if im dumb or something. Im on mobile btw


Yup I fucked up, the second line shouldn't be there 😅🤭

The latest chapter available is only  26"certain growls"


Its okk! Besides I ENJOYED the new chapter so muchh!!❤️❤️❤️



Ari I guess the next chapter will release by the of Aug? Or probably First week of September? Right?


About last week of July ;)

Wow that's really fast Ari looking forward to it no pressure 

Two months is fast? 😅 I thought I was a slowpoke hehehe


OMGGGG!!! Each new chapter is better than the last. How are you making such fantastic updates?!?! I love this VN even more more 😍😍 Please never stop 🫶

That's very sweet🥰💖 cheers for even more🍻😁🙌

Yeahhhhhhh new chapter!!!!😍



Wait since when were there extra patreon scenes? I must've missed a dev log or smth, do we have a list of those scenes and at which point they are in the story? 


I was curious myself so compared the scripts. The added images are in:

- Chapter 5 (shower piss at cabin)

-Chapter 16 (pool bj & Damian dream)

- Chapter 17 (shower bowling stackup)

- Chapter 21 (pool sex, animated!)


Yey new chapter! 

probably, I don't know lol


ayye such a roller coaster of emotions

mi corazon, mi amorế

Even I got a headache from Mar's dilemma ;

Should he choose the rich hero that saved his life? Or choose the friend of his hero? But either choice will make you appear as a *extremely small font* "puta

I really hope that they could get together and have a threesome every-now-and-then but Angel's personality is really good and it hurts me to see him suffer if he does not like the truth.

And Damian is  just <3 .

Anyways I really trust that everything will be alright in the future chapters


AWWWWWWWWWWWW the little puta part xD


Also I LOVE YOUR NAME AND PFP ❤️ ❤️ 🥰 ❤️ 🥰 ❤️

Thanks Ari 😍 and coming from you, its really an honor 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰



hihi xD

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Full of surprise Ari ❤️ love it so much I really appreciate your work 🫂 10 out 10

Holly shit! DAMÍAN!!!!! 

Holy shit indeed x3

finally, an update!!

Update update update

Um I don't understand Damian I don't know what he's speaking and i kinda want to learn it but i dont know what he's speaking /;


It's okay! The phrases that are in other languages are not exactly important. Context is always given by other text 😉

But you know Ari I'm interested what damían said on other language I want to know as well what he said :>


I thought its going to release in the end of may?


As soon as new chapter is done, it will be released ;🫡 I guess it won't take more than 3 days 😉

Great! Thanks boss 😃 


possible spoiler/question

is tito coming? o-o


You mean cumming? 🤭🥰😋🙌

I need to see damián ari 

Me tooooo x3

I love this game i hope there's a new update cuming soon so that i can escape reality ❤️and ill keep supporting this visual novel 

coming in about less than a week! 🙏🔥♥️

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Spoiler :

Just imagining that Damian and the MC in the middle of sex, the beefys Rottweiler brothers arrive to the house and go up to the room and since they are tied for the knot they cannot be separated, they witness the mating, I wonder if they would escape from the room or playing to (breeding the otter) xD.


i think of the last one... a lot... 🤭🔥🔥🔥

Spoiler :

Wow, think about your people and make it happen pls hehe.
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Waiting for an update really bad :3 
Loving this vn so much, Damian is cute

Uwufff! Just about less than 2weeks and new chapter will be ready!!

Yay im so excited for new update i can see Damian and angel again and especially xiao😆

There will be even more to look on next update uwu there's a surprise 🥰

where's the update it's been a month and a half,  i'm getting impatient.

Bro heat source has been updated bimonthly for a while now 😅

And I promise the next update will be worth the wait 😉😈🔥🔥💦💦

wait what, it appears that the last update about 44days ago

if u released an update recently ,would u be kind and share it with me.

That was the last update 😅

ohhhhh! it's bimonthly (every two months), haha my bad, i didn't know what the word means since english is my forth language hehe,  i thought u meant every month sorry for wasting ur time by my stupid misunderstanding, i'm looking forward for the next updates, keep it up champ!!!

it's okay, English is not my main either 🤭

May I ask how the Chinese translation is going? I clicked the link to go to MEGA. He said that the translation version of 20.69 has been released. But only version 0.18.23 is in the folder. Maybe they're releasing the translation somewhere else.

Gonna upload a recent version that a bro volunteered to do, gimme 30 minutes 😋

there! you can find it in the main page of the game now ;D also here:


Thank you very much.Love ya :D



The amount of perfect bear husbandos in this game should be illegal for a kinetic novel :c It's like ursine heaven with some additional hot dogs.

I kinda remember playing older version of that and damn, did the game improve. The amount of efforts is easily noticeable.

Thanks is cute that you guys notice 🥺🥰💖🙌

Deleted 128 days ago

Hewoo! The bimonthly release has scheduled the chapter 27 by the last days of May 🙌🔥😋

I feel sorry for the older workers, I hope they come back. I was really surprised how quickly they were fired, there weren’t even situations like “I know you’re gay too, but I can’t talk in front of everyone.” It's all sad. Hope for a happy ending



I love this vn so much very thank you for all , the end is very good and from the start 🤟🏻❤️

Thanks! Will keep up bro!


I became a patreon a while back,

 I love your work can't wait to see more


Thanks buddeeee🫡🥰🥰

I am so fucking excited for the next update 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


there's a surprise coming up for the next update, not exactly about what follows on the story 🤫🥰

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xiao didn't complain because of the woods sex, and yes because he couldn't see it all bc we broke the periscope

xD indeed

Soo gooood!!!! Honestly, I'm really looking forward to the next update!

It's really impressive how your art has improved! The sprites in the game are wonderful!!!I am intending to become a pantreon.

What do you plan to do with Xiao? Will he have any redemption? I found his design quite interesting, but his personality... His choices that he has been making, along with his behavior will end up destroying the hotel from the inside out.

I hope someone give him a good slap, - not literally... or maybe...- I thought the MC could, who knows? Change his personality at least a little. This whole development is sad and revolting.

Do you have any plans for him Ari?

many many plans 😈😅

Men the vn getting started to shine like a movie star hahaha I'm looking forward the update


that gotta be one of the sweetest comments ,🥺🙌🤗💖💖🔥🔥🔥🔥

MAN, i can't wait for the next update!!!, i don't know if mar will have a poly relationship with the two good boys, I can't wait for the next one, Good job ari!!


I'm really looking forward to how the plot unfolds next, especially how Mar handles the relationship between his two boyfriends. Personally, I don't mind being with two boyfriends at the same time! By the way, this is one of the best visual novels I've ever played! Thank you, Ari, for making such an awesome game!!!

Thanks for writing this broooooooo 🔥🔥🔥🔥💖💖💖🥰

Im really loving this vn!! Absolutely great job so far! Also that last "to be continued" was evil. Honestly one of my favorite VNs atm!


Yeah.. I think evil is the proper word 😅😈🤭😋

Thanks for taking some time to write bro! 🥰

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Damn it's been 2 months since when I play this game and now there's update,

I really like how Damian become a naughty 🤣 that's all no spoilers keep it up the good work BOSS~

Thanks bruh!!!!!🫡🥰🙌🔥💖

ngl i had bad expectations about this game ,i started playing it cuz i was desperate searching for a new VN since i already read the good ones ,but as of late i like it so far , i only finished 8 chapters since i start playing a few hours ago and its good so far ,and i appreciate that there's enough CGs in the game so u won't get bored , and i like how silly and goofy the characters is ,it got me smile , 

thanks to the creator of this game and i hope to see new updates ASAP hehe, keep up the good work. 

Thanks for taking some time to write! That's very sweet🥰🥰🥰🥰🙌🔥💖

It's been a long time since I played, but Damian is still the best as ever! No offense to Angel, but if I was MC I'd be all in on the short king 100%. Thanks for putting in so much content with him and his🍑. The art and everything has improved so much as well, props for keeping up the progress it's very inspiring. Looking forward to next update! 

Thanks for your kind words bro!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🤗🔥


I'm already complete the chapter!!! awww Damián i love uuuu♥ Love u too Ari ♥ :D



Oh wow, what a spicy ending to the episode (with that involuntary groping towards Damian), I wouldn't be surprised if the MC ended up touching other colleagues' balls, having in the end several sexual partners (without him realizing it) haha.

4 bigs hot Rottweilers for the Mc


hehehe 🤭

Hey buddy remember to mark spoilers as spoilers and hit the enter button to hide the text 😅🤗

I mean writing "Spoilers" or something like that ;p

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